In the Media
EPA Grants Chemours Permission to Import Toxic Chemical Compound from the Netherlands
From WWAY:
NC Pure was featured in an article describing PFAS import and cleanup in Eastern North Carolina. NC Pure Project member Dr. Irene Manning Harmody was interviewed.
Categories: Research News
Forever Chemicals Found in 45% of US Drinking Water: Study Includes Central NC
From WNCN:
NC Pure Project co-director Prof. Frank Leibfarth was interviewed in this article detailing the extent of PFAS contamination in central North Carolina.
Categories: Research News
Our Newest Publication: Ionic Fluorogel PFAS Remediation in Natural Water
From Wiley Library:
View our team's recent scientific publication concerning our technology and its ability to remove PFAS from water.
Categories: Publications
North Carolina Researchers Have a New, Tiny, Far More Effective Weapon to Fight PFAS
From WHQR Public Media:
The new $10 million funded Ionic Fluorogel project is especially adept in filtering GenX from drinking water. The tiny technology is reusable and has many perks in comparison to current PFAS remediation techniques. The project, currently in its scale-up phase, plans to implement the technology in public water facilities across the state of North Carolina.
Categories: Research News
Can Sustainable Plastics Clean our Plastic-Polluted Water?
From Carolina Arts & Sciences Magazine:
UNC-Chapel Hill’s College of Arts & Sciences discusses how the ionic fluorogel resin created by Dr. Leibfarth and Dr. Coronell with funding from the NC General Assembly and NC Collaboratory can reduce the amount of PFAS found in North Carolina drinking water. The focus now is to scale-up the ionic fluorogel for its potential use at water treatment facilities.
Categories: Research News